Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I must correct something I said earlier; I mentioned home birth in another post called "A Time to Be Born". Perhaps this is the post Dr. Amy has read? I noticed a good deal of traffic on this post and the one after it. I might have mentioned it in a few other posts.

I also realized, when I  actually looked at my blog (which I never do because I just post and then get off line) that I mention home birth in the description of the blog. I designed this blog a long time ago and forgot I had written that. So, when I am wrong, I say I'm wrong. I will change this... I don't want my ideas about birth to be the focus of this blog... This was never my intent!

Hmm. I wonder if anyone will bother to read my defense or if Dr. Amy has been successful in exlpoiting the death of my child? I feel sick. I am pretty sure I am going to delete this blog. It isn't worth it to keep it up knowing what it is being used for. I will give my defense a few days to be read and then the whole blog may be gone.

So much for a safe place.

Oh, and she quoted from "Blame". And also (wrongly) came up with cause of death which was NOT GBS sepsis but instead blood infection resulting from NICU negligence and congenital hypothyroidism which most likely caused the heart and kidney issue. I read the post; while it was kinder to me than I had supposed, it was still distressing to read. My prenatal records and my daughter's NICU records were recently reviewed by two docs and neither of their opinions are in agreement with Dr. Amy, who has not seen these records but thought she had the right to diagnose my child and blame me, anyway.

It is bad enough to make a grieving parent feel worse but to cause such  great distress to a grieving, pregnant mother is something else entirely; and any OB should know that! Stress isn't good for moms and their babies!

God forgive me if I have been cruel; I do not mean to be.

I can't sleep; I am so distressed. I think I'll go have a good cry. I also think I won't let Dr. Amy ruin this. I already deleted a few posts- which I now regret... I will, however, delete the posts that can- in any way- be used and exploited by Dr. Amy... Which is a terrible shame; I found the honesty refreshing- but not at such a cost... I can feel a huge blob in my throat which means that I will have to cry before I explode. I wish that no one ever had to feel this way...  I would gladly feel so bad if it meant that others would be spared feeling this bad... No parent should have to deal with the blame of others on top of the blame she already places on herself. No pregnant mom should have to sob hysterically because of something like this.

Oh- Jesus was so right about the world! I will say a rosary for every parent hurt by Dr. Amy and I will pray that she can begin to see the harm she does so that she can begin to help instead!

1 comment:

  1. I do not regret reaching out to you, but I deeply regret adding to your heavy pain by alerting you to Dr. Amy's words.
    I rarely comment on people's blogs...and truly hope that the good I was able to do for you out weighs th bad.
    Wishing you a better day.
