Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dinner- Cooking as part of my Vocation

My mom and dad divorced when I was 8. Before that, my father lived in another city (where there was work) and we only ever saw him on holidays and weekends. When he did come home, though, he cooked everything and anything and I always looked forward to his meals. For him, cooking was an art form- something to be enjoyed. He made waffles, pancakes, roasted corn soup and could grill anything. I remember him even making liver and tongue once... I remember not wanting to eat it but, in the end, thinking that it really wasn't so bad.

My mom hated to cook. She was also very busy and very miserable because she had to work all day and then come home to three unruly kids. While we were used to my dad not living at home, after the divorce we had to deal with the fact that we would rarely ever get to have dad cook for us. Oh- how we suffered! My mom's idea of homemade was Wyler's Soup Starter with chilcken that was too tough to chew (it was like gum), Campbell's Soup, Tater Tots, hotdogs (on a good day- hotdogs with cheese) and an iceberg lettuce salad. She tried, though. On Sundays she'd make pot roast or cheesy- chicken casserole... some people looked forward to Sunday dinner whereas we did not!

We had to eat, though, and she had to feed us. She was stressed out, lacked time and hated cooking... all these things combined made her a fairly terrible cook. But, in the end, our bellies were full and for this I am truly grateful.

I stay at home with my kids and so things like cooking are just part of my "job". I also love cooking. I never looked at cooking for my kids as merely making something to just fill their bellies- the food I make is comforting and nourishing and also an expression of love. I put my heart into what I cook. While I prepare my meals, I ask God to bless all who will eat the food and I always put 100% of myself into cooking and meal planning. Cooking is just one aspect of my vocation- the vocation of being a mom- and I mean to do it well- always- for my family and for God. Not only does it give me pleasure to please my family but also to do things to the best of my ability in order to please God.

I make a grocery list and shop according to the list- this saves money and means less waste. I try to buy organinc and, if I stick with my list and buy only raw foods, I find that this is entirely possible. I don't buy cookies, boxed foods, etc. and I only buy meat for two meals a week and fish for one. I buy veggies and grains, mainly.

I also like to cook in bulk so that I can freeze left- overs for a busy day or for a day when I just don't feel like cooking. I think about what my kids like, if one of them is sick and what the weather is like.

I have also become good friends with my crock pot, which has been very helpful.

So, as I am smelling dinner cooking in the crock pot, I feel motivated to write a bit about dinner. Maybe someone will read my entries and want a recipe... I don't know. Maybe the sound of what I make will move others to cook and learn to love to cook.

So, tonight I am making: Creamy Hummus Soup, roasted red- skinned potatoes, zucchini and yellow squash with brown rice pilaf, frenched green beans with almonds with a tomato and greens salad (and carrot sticks, of course).

Last night, I made whole- wheat spaetzel with carmelized onions and meat balls, frenched green beans with almonds and a tomato/ mozzerella salad and sweet potato (not with the salad).

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