Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Light in the Darkness

Today I opened an email from a very kind person who took time out of her day to provide comfort and companionship to me at a very difficult time; she has done the work of God.

I have learned that God speaks to us in many different ways- we juat have to listen. I think we all too often forget that God can speak to us directly through others although it is something we should never forget. After all, we are commanded to love one another... if God is love, then when we love others, we are participating in something bigger than the feeling itself; we are participating in God.

Little things that we do for each other matter so much when we remember that what we do to others, we do to Jesus and that to love is to participate in God.

An email reminding a mother in pain that she is not alone and that God loves her and is always there for her is a powerful thing. It is not only a reminder that God never leaves us but also that He loves us and that this love can be expressed in a very tangible, earthly way. Reminding someone who is questioning their faith that God exists and that He is always there even if it doesn't feel like it can shepherd a soul back to Christ and is a wonderful thing.

This past year has been the worst year of my life. I never thought that I could feel so alone and feel so much pain. When a person feels so much pain, it extends into every part of their existence and everything that used to be a known truth or matter of fact is called into question. In writing this blog, I wanted to give other moms what I didn't have- someone to let them know that they are not complete freaks for thinking/ feeling certain things. I have been brutally honest and have written things that I normally would never have told even my best friend only because I wished I could hear them from someone else.

I have been helpless to really help people as much as I would have liked over the past year because I could barely help myself. With this blog, though, I have tried to be a light in the darkness as is commanded by scripture. I did this because it was all I could do.

It has also helped to get it all out! Keeping things in can make a person very sick and bitter. I know that some people read this and I want to thank them for doing so! You, too, are lights in the darkness just for sticking by me!

I also must publicly thank the two people who have responded to my posts; God bless you and keep you! You have been real lights in my darkness and I am grateful for your kind words and compassionate thoughts.

We are ALL called to be lights in the darkness and we all have the potential to be so. No matter how dark life seems, we can always try to be lights- even dim ones- for others. We can remember that doing the smallest thing may bring the greatest amount of comfort to someone who is worse off than we are (and there is ALWAYS someone worse off!).

As Christians we MUST remember this!

Jesus- my All!

1 comment:

  1. So grateful that my words of comfort had their intended effect.
    Also sorry that it was the trigger for more pain, and may I say that you write very eloquently to Dr. Amy Tuteur.
    Take care,
